
The Path to Bayes Achievement Center

BAC serves students with severe behavioral disorders.

    • Males only

    • Ages 6-16

    • Admit ages 6-14

    • Students with emotional and behavioral disorders or High-Functioning Autism

    • Males and Females

    • Ages 6-22

    • Admit ages 6-18

    • Students with more involved needs including students with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain-Injury, and students who are non-verbal with significant self-care needs

    • An individual between the ages of 19 and 22 who is receiving special education services and is currently enrolled in another regulated residential facility or is in the care of HHSC is eligible for admission

We are able to serve students with the following conditions as defined by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (HHSC) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Auditory Handicaps

  • Autism Spectrum / Pervasive

  • Developmental Disorder

  • Conduct and Behavioral Disorders

  • Emotional Disturbance

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Multiple Handicaps

  • Other Health Impaired

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Visual Handicaps

  • Speech Impairments

No person shall be denied services due to race, religion, or national origin. BAC is able to admit juveniles who have been adjudicated provided they have severe behavior problems and currently have an IEP.

    • Students that are not receiving special education services

    • Students that are not exhibiting behavioral problems

    • HIV positive

    • Students requiring skilled medical care

    • Pregnant / parenting

    • Primary issue of substance abuse or eating disorder

    • Any individual whose safety would be at risk due to the use of behavior interventions such as personal restraint (e.g., medically fragile)

    • A referral is made by an interested party to BAC’s Admissions Department

    • A site visit to BAC is scheduled

    • The potential resident/student’s Application for Admission is presented to the Treatment Team

    • Pending the Treatment Team’s approval of the application, funding is secured and the placement contract is developed

    • Placement IEP/ARD meeting is scheduled

    • Parent/guardian completes the intake documentation/medical appointments and returns the required documentation to the Admissions Coordinator

    • Schedule admission date

    The admission process can be expedited in the case of an emergency placement