Music therapy

Music Therapy uses music to achieve non-musical goals. A Board Certified Music Therapist employs music's reinforcing qualities to address cognitive, physical, emotional, and social needs. Skills gained can be applied beyond the musical setting.

Music Therapy at BAC serves two main purposes: individual sessions through the ARD process and group activities for all students. Participants engage in music exercises that support their IEP objectives and promote social interactions. Its universal appeal enhances the experience for our diverse student body. Whether rehearsing for the Christmas program, drumming on a Djembe, or relaxing in a vibroacoustic chair, students flourish daily in Music Therapy.

  • During drum play with a non-verbal student with autism, she expresses herself beautifully through music as well as with her eye contact and facial expressions.

  • A 15-year-old boy with a conduct disorder who has been learning chords on the guitar experiences his first time on a stage while performing a folk song at the BAC talent show.

  • A young boy with autism and an excellent ear for music happily hammers out the melody of "Farmer in the Dell" on the marimba while the rest of the group sings along.